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... for my visual diary - you can expect bright colours, details, some food and the occasional wig.

stranger things - my submission for amelia's magazine

here is my submission for the illustration open brief for the anniversary edition of amelia's magazine. the topic was "that which we do not understand" - anything esoteric, religious, ghostly, unexplainable, and preferably something with a personal connection to the artist. the story behind my picture goes like this:

one dark and rainy autumn evening on my way home a stranger approached me. he was from india. he told me i had a great presence, an aura, and if i wanted to, he could show me how to use it to heal people, just like he did. visiting sick people and laying his hands on them. he gave me his card. i was young and scared and quickly made my excuses. i threw the card away. i might have forgotten about it, had not the same man approached me one day, years later. i had moved to another city and was on my way to visit my parents when i met him at almost the exact same spot. we talked for a while, and with a friendly goodbye parted ways again. i still didn't take him up on his offer. i haven't met him since, and sometimes it feels like a dream. i wonder how he did see me, my aura, and if it's still there. i have my doubts.
p.s. i have long toyed with the idea of taking up physiotherapy, because i seem to be good at giving massages. i guess you could call that laying on of hands. maybe i have missed my calling.

- have you had an experience like this? please tell me in the comments, i'd love to hear about your strange encounters!

essentially, the picture was assembled from these two scans, my first time experimenting with warercolours in that way - i enjoyed playing around with that a lot and i'll definitely do more.