
i heart issuu

while looking for a way to publish a web-zine earlier today, i rediscovered issuu. create an account, upload your pdf or other docs, and *badabing* your publication appears on your virtual shelf, ready to be thumbed through by the world! you can of course limit access as well. AND you can read hundreds of great zines online! to me this seems a really great way to make my editorial work accessible to future clients - and a fantastic incentive to whip up some new layouts. first up is my diploma book on information overload from 2007 (in german, i'm afraid), you can also find the link in the right toolbar. will be adding more soon ...

file under "zinekat"! :)


it snakes up on you ...

... this new year 2013. year of the water snake in china, so that's where the inspiration for my new year's card stems from. that and memories of collecting dark pebbles veined with white letters on a walk along the river iller with marcibel. as always sorry for the delay, but then again, if it wasn't late, it wouldn't be my style ... happy new one, everybody!


get cookin'

... you know when you're drawing a character, and just when you think you're finished, you mess up the face or the legs or a hand -? that's what happened here, and then i had the glorious idea to make a cutout and just use the good bits, yay! so this is my colleague kathrin in three pieces, wearing her rocking red boots. she's in an apron-thingy wielding a spoon because the present accompanying the card was a lovely cookbook (with photos by my other colleague, julia).