
december delicacies

cheers and bon appetit!

no-show november

sorry about that ... crazy days ... but yes, november actually happened! catch any good movies lately? skyfall and the twilight finale are next on my list ...


merry chickmas!

this was quick and fun work: a christmas postcard for friends of mine, a lovely couple who are pregnant with twins (hence the two eggs). thank you for letting me do this, julia & nicki!


oops - it's october!

getting cold? have a sausage! or three. with mustard. a truly german wurst: gref völsing.
(with apologies to all vegetarians. and vegans. and everyone else who doesn't eat meat.)


september résumé

my love for you will still be strong / after the boys of summer have gone

right mouseclick >> save for desktop calendar!


august at sea

hope you all have some water to dive into this summer ...


july tunes

july tunes for hanging out in the park might include belle & sebastian, beth orton and jack johnson ...
any suggestions?

  right mouseclick >> save for desktop calendar!


april already

happy belated easter holidays! the easter bunny is a little bored now, as you can see - or maybe just waiting for company to arrive via the crumbly tunnel, joining him on his comfy rug to adore the lovely wallpaper ...


march-ing on ...

this was a sketch for an aries horoscope, that's why there is an almost autumnal blaze and a girl collecting firewood... incidentally, we need a bit of warmth right now, the crazy hot spring days from last weekend haven't been back yet. warm thoughts, please, everyone!


dwk #23

this week on daswaskommt: a sentence from the brilliant stephen fry's "the hippopotamus". in quite a different technique, and the colours are a little more subdued than usual with my work. still fun!


february fancies

the german carnival is on this month ... what's your costume? and what does your choice of disguise say about you?


dwk #22

new week, new sentence: this one was from jules verne's "a journey to the center of the earth". more on daswaskommt, as usual!


birdy allen

this is my interpretation of woody allen's "the nurk": "the nurk is a bird two inches long that has the power of speech but keeps referring to itself in the third person, such as, "he's a great little bird, isn't he?" - he seems to me like a mischievous little guy. also a little macho, a little cocky, hence the tennis socks! although maybe they're the ironic aa kind - birdy might be a hipster! find him and a few other people's little birdies on daswaskommt this week!


happy new january!

the first page in my calendar for 2012: a saucy little lady gets clean and fresh to start the new year ... download her for your desktop with a right mouse click!

very special delivery ...

... yay! it's my illustrated calendar for the new year!
inspired by the lovely amelie i sat down one weekend in early december and got to work. at first i was going to just use stuff i had already made, but then i found some cute drawings in my sketchbook and started scanning, adding, colouring and tweaking ... fun!