
out of context #3

last week's sentence, "wir müssen den verlorenen faden wiederfinden, sagst du", roughly translates to "we have to find the lost thread, you say". from italo calvino's "if on a winter's night a traveler". find more loose threads on out of context and feel free to submit something for next week!


out of context #2

... ain't she cute? phrase of the week was "your nose is punk".
you can find more punked facial extremities including a truly wicked piece of needlework by marion and this week's sentence on out of context.


illustration friday "storm"

i finally got around to submitting another something to illustration friday, yay! bring on the weekly challenges, i say ... this week's topic is "storm", and mine is (unconsciously but undoubtedly) inspired by the carnival season.

out of context #1

our weekly illustration challenge returns with "out of context", a new blog set up by marcibel. the rules have changed a bit from "das, was kommt" - to a square format, and the sentence in question can come from anywhere, not just a book. last week's text, "die sushi strahlt mich an", which roughly translates to "the sushi is beaming at me", inspired me to this:

p.s. somehow, my favourite thing about this is the logo-ed soy sauce fishy.

p.p.s. i came across this week's sentence at the annual show of the städel art school here in frankfurt. sadly, i don't remember the artist's name who used it, but it sure did stick with me: "your nose is punk". if you'd like to participate, just send your name and your illustration (drawing, digital, photo, whatever you like, as long as it's square!) to outofcontext, preferably a .jpg no bigger than 600x600 px and 72 dpi.