
out of context #7

"the images i had found in milan and paris weren't enough." - find more images to illustrate this sentence on out of context and feel free to submit some of your own! the more the merrier ... :)


sleepy gif

illustration friday "eye glasses"

"... good friends we lost along the way ..." - like this pair, the last one that i broke. a little bit sad, no?


out of context #6

seems everybody's doing their paperwork right now, and man, did it have an impact on last week's sentence on out of context ... which was taken straight off the pages of a network provider contract, apparently.


illustration friday "yesterday"

not an easy one, so ... this is literally what sandy and me did yesterday. lemon muffins, green tea and girl talk. good times! :)

from my window

it started around two hours ago, now it's all gone.


out of context #5

monkey boy with his favourite toy ... last week's sentence on out of context was taken from mikael niemi's "popular music from vittula": "fluffy little boys with dimples transformed into big-nosed baboons with protruding canines."


out of context #4

wow. it's actually warm outside (at least during the day), it's spring! yay! - and on a more irritating note, a sweaty summer and swarming midges aren't far off, probably. i am too lazy right now to translate last week's sentence properly, but it was something about things flying around and buzzing, so here goes ...

(note the lovely lit background, that's a romantic little square in st. pauli, hamburg)